Building and In Situ Concrete
As well as being able to provide the machines and expertise for civil engineering elements of projects J&S McKee Ltd have a passion for building and in situ concrete works. Having worked on projects such as DAERA Headquarters-BallyKelly House, Erskine House, and student accommodation buildings in York St where the buildings take shape around a central core liftshaft is where we pride ourselves on seeing projects take shape and rise out of the ground.

Liftshaft and structural steel in place at BallyKelly House.

Liftshaft and Base concreted at Ballykelly House.

Formwork for liftshaft at Ballykelly House.
Steelwork for reinforced concrete floor at 123 York Street.
Sheet piles and steelwork for base of concrete columns at 123 York Street.
Reinforced concrete bases ready for steel uprights to be positioned at Kings Hall redevelopment.
Sections of shuttering pans, concrete and steel in place at Lissue Stream Flood Alleviation Scheme.
Section of shuttering and completed concrete at Lissue Stream Flood Alleviation Scheme.
Inside of shuttered wall with water bar running through at Belfast Waterfront Exhibition and Conference Centre.
Concrete pumping into structure at Erskine House, Belfast.