Health, Safety & Wellbeing
The health, safety and well-being of our staff is fundamental to our business. We are focused on creating a safe and happy working environment where our staff feel empowered to be responsible for their own health, safety and well-being and that of others.
We are members of Mates in Mind, a mental health awareness charity dedicated to raising awareness of mental health by addressing the stigma of poor mental health and improving positive mental well-being in the construction industry.
We are also part of the Well Team Program facilitated by Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke which provides us with support for our staff through information on how to keep healthy and recognize the signs of poor health and wellbeing. We recently held a very enlightening training day focusing on stress, healthy eating and heart health, this was a huge success with all staff and we look forward to future talks.
Our commitment to our staff and stakeholders is demonstrated by our management of Health and Safety and our continual drive towards zero accidents and incidents. We are proud to say we hold a Safe T certificate and have been part of this Safe T Cert System for a number of years.
100% of our workforce are registered with CSCS (or equivalent) scheme. We are committed to creating a learning culture and providing opportunities to ensure that our staff are equipped with the skills and knowledge to realise their potential while contributing to the development of the business and the achievement of its objectives.
Mates in Mind Certification
View Certificate